Ecosystem design
What is it?
Business ecosystem design is the realization of new, unique offers that are made available to the customer by various actors in a system. Business ecosystems do not create themselves. The actors in such a system do not connect magnetically and simply begin to work together radically. In reality, it has to be understood exactly who are potential ecosystem partners, what roles they play, what skills they bring in and how a potential co-competition is dealt with.
How does it work?
Design and participation in ecosystems opens up new growth opportunities that enable companies to become much more meaningful to customers. However, being part of a business ecosystem is more than a strategic option based on new and changing customer needs. It is a whole new mindset that initiates the paradigm shift towards new business models and growth. The three important key factors are an opening to the outside world, transparency about skills and values, as well as willingness to change and acceptance of new market roles.
Why does it matter?
The age of business ecosystems is replacing the traditional view of business models. By 2030, more than 30% of global sales will be generated in business ecosystems. Asia in particular has the potential to play a pioneering role here, with a high affinity for digital business models. Various studies show that in addition to the already known super platforms, new ecosystems are emerging that make a significant contribution to this. Worldwide, 15-20 dominant business ecosystems will set the pace.

#1 New Release
Understand the basics of business ecosystem design
Current developments in business ecosystems
Emphasis on the importance of a new mindset that allows thinking in terms of ecosystems
Focus on the challenge of collaboration, transparency and complexity of business ecosystems
Process model for the design, implementation and implementation of ecosystems
Presentation of the most important skills, methods and tools for the design of business ecosystems
"Many talk about the importance of designing good business ecosystems. This book shows you how."
- Ash Maurya, Best-selling author and the creator of Lean Canvas
"This book not only helps to better understand business ecosystem design - it is also great visualization"
- David J Bland, co-author of Testing Business Ideas
"As a thought leader, Michael Lewrick has dealt intensively with the development of the design paradigm. His book meets the current zeitgeist and is the best definition of business ecosystem design that I have seen so far."
- Larry Leifer, Professor Mechanical Engineering Design (ME310), Stanford University

Ecosystem Design Advisory

Top DTP experts
Multi-industry experience
Technology know-how
Digitization champions
Targeted & agile
Verifiable references
Ecosystem Initiativen
We offer to support entire business ecosystem initiatives ourselves and through our partners. This is enough offers for workshops, management consulting, and coaching in customized C-Level advisory.
Only trained and certified Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) are used for this type of support.
RFPs and inquiries are answered quickly and in a targeted manner.
Jam Session:
Different actors
Lots of potential for big ideas
Method understood
2-day capability build:
Understand the theoretical basis for developing an MVE
Refelexion on what has been learned
Methods and Tools understood
3-day capability build:
Identified customer problem or new new customers need
Identified a prototype and initial ideas for a potential ecosystem
Applied all stages of the design thinking process of exploring the "design space" on the definition of "critical functions"
Creation of a first MVE.

Founder of DTP

Michael Lewrick
"We have to constantly reflect on and develop our attitude towards growth and new business models. New technologies and digitization offer new opportunities to develop ideas and shape customer experiences."

Patrick Link
"More important than the process or the method is the mindset and the adaptation to the respective context. Since all agile approaches basically have the same mindset, you can learn a lot from the other approaches."

Larry Leifer
"Steve Jobs put it in a nutshell:" Think different! " The correct answer would be: "Think differently!" With this he expressed the essence of design thinking with pinpoint accuracy: not necessarily doing what is expected. "
DTP Community
Who is it?
We are an open community of doers, entrepreneurs, scientists, design thinking coaches, facilitators, corporate leaders, managers and those responsible for innovation. We are interdisciplinary and creative. We are consciously an open community to promote interdisciplinary exchange.
Why is it special?
The DTP community lives a design mindset. We share our knowledge, have a positive attitude and carry this spirit into the implementation of our daily challenges. We have not only managed to establish business ecosystem design as a new discipline , but also to constantly develop the mindset through new perspectives.
Why joining?
As a DTP Community Member you have free access to a unique network. In addition, you will find out exciting news and know when the relevant events take place. Of course you already have access to new methods and tools that the community is developing and discussing.

Complementary books
The Design Thinking Playbook helps to reflect the whole range of Design Thinking. It forms the framework for the business ecosystem design and provides the inspiring framework to anchor a new mindset even more firmly in companies and to bring about radical innovations.
The Design Thinking Toolbook is an excellent addition to the Ecosystem Design Book. It is also tailored to the needs of the readers and deepens the most important and effective design thinking and innovation methods
The small, compact Design Thinking booklet summarizes the most important tools and methods on 150 pages and briefly deals with the combination of Design Thinking with Systems Thinking and Big Data Analytics, as well as the design of business ecosystems. (ONLY AVAILABLE IN GERMAN)

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