Ecosystem Design Tools
D_Ecosystem Design Canvas
What you can do with the canvas:
Documentation of the core value proposition and customer needs.
Describe potential actors for the business ecosystem.
Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of individual actors in an ecosystem variant.
Perform a definition of the value streams.
Consider business models multidimensional.
Document individual iterations and variants of a business ecosystem.
Record the minimum values for a Minimum Viable Ecosystem (MVE).
E_Growth & Scale CAnvas
What you can do with the canvas:
Plan suitable steps and measures to scale the solution.
Check an expansion of the value proposition and validate it on the basis of new or changed customer needs.
Activities initiate processes and bring IT to data analytics in line with growth.
Initialize optimizations with regard to the cost structure.
Validate ideas for expanding the value streams.
Make adjustments to governance through to ecosystem culture.
F_Reflection Canvas
What you can do with the canvas:
Gather and process experience in the project in a structured manner.
Learn from the experience and use it for the next project.
Enable positive handling of mistakes and appreciate good progress.
Identify, document, apply and ultimately make use of knowledge.
Carry out a reflection on the respective Design Lenses.
Provide orientation for the procedure per se (Lessons Learned Meta-Level) and for the initiative (Lessons Learned Initiative) on which you have actually worked.
Worksheets Ecosystem strategy
A1_Design Principles
What you can do with the tool:
Already at the start of the project, put a clear focus on a certain mindset or requirements for the ecosystem.
Give the team a common understanding of the assignment so that everyone has the same understanding.
Provide guidance so that decisions in the design team can be made more quickly.
Define general characteristics that should be treated with a higher priority.
Develop a guideline that ensures that future design challenges will be based on the same overarching principles.
A2_Initiatives Matrix
What you can do with the tool:
Outline what strategic initiatives are planned for the future.
In the Include considerations of what new products and services will be launched.
Recognize which programs, products or initiatives are being planned in individual sub-markets, other regions or countries.
A3_Cooperations Matrix
What you can do with the tool:
Analyze which partnerships and connections already exist with other companies.
Connections with other companies are categorized into, for example, the same industry, industry-related or non-industry.
Draw conclusions which skills may already be in an existing part
network are available. -
Examine potential partners and business relationships that are helpful for the design, construction or implementation of the ecosystem.
A4_Topic Areas Matrix
What you can do with the tool:
Visualize the current situation of one or more of the business ecosystem in a topic of certain initiators or competitors.
Outline connections and respective participation of actors in one
or explore multiple business ecosystems. -
Identify value proposition across the various dimensions
Discuss potential actors in the system.
Explore potential white spots for initiatives or participation in an ecosystem.
a5_PESTLE Ecosystems
What you can do with the tool:
Unnderstand the market and business position of your own company and the
situationof the actors better, plan strategically and conduct market research. -
Evaluate a topic or an ecosystem strategy and ways to shape the ecosystem.
Get an overview of external influences that could potentially affect an ecosystem initiative.
Make more precise and informed decisions.
Create the basis for a decision document for committees.
A6_How to Win & Configure
What you can do with the tool:
Make the configurations that are crucial for the business ecosystem.
Develop a configuration suitable for the ecosystem initiative and role (e.g. initiator or active participant).
Deal with the elements that are critical to success, from the strategic focus to customer interaction and organizational design.
Describe elements of the configuration precisely in order to obtain clarity about the intention and goal achievement.
Compare different configurations based on the ecosystem configuration grid and make the advantages and disadvantages transparent.
Worksheets Ecosystem Design
D1_Core Value Proposition
What you can do with the tool:
Initiate a common starting point for the design of the ecosystem.
Discuss the value proposition statement with other actors in the system or share the value proposition with the partners prior to co-creation activities.
Record needs, the customer segments and the solution for the entire MVE system.
Take a point of view from the customers / users as well as the respective actors.
D2_Actors Descriptions
What you can do with the tool:
Obtain an overview of the potential actors and their capabilities who are to be active in the ecosystem.
Compare whether existing partnerships can be used that give quick access to skills, offers and other assets.
Carry out an initial assessment of the actors' fit to the defined core value proposition.
Evaluate what influence the respective actors could have on the ecosystem.
D3_Value Streams mapping
What you can do with the tool:
Design a functioning system that generates a higher return on investment than the individual actors.
Create a network of relationships that allows ecosystem capital to be embarrassed.
Create systems that go beyond the mere exchange of products, services and money.
Configure the interaction of the value streams in such a way that the system is initially viable.
Master the complexity with a definition of the respective value streams.
Worksheets Reflection
F1_Retrospective Sailboat
What you can do with the tool:
Improve team interactions and collaboration - in a fast, targeted, appreciative and structured way.
Take a "RETRO", so look back to see what went well and what could be improved.
Reflect which factors can be changed and which are to be accepted.
Promote a positive atmosphere, as all team members are heard and can contribute, which in turn promotes the mindset of self-organized teams.
F2_I like..., I wish...
What you can do with the tool:
It is firmly anchored in the team as a feedback ritual in which only "I like, I wish" or supplemented with "I wonder" is allowed as feedback (IL / IW / IW for short).
Celebrate small successes achieved through an iteration, a prototype or in a test.
Make it a part of the reflection and the brainstorming, for example expanded with "What if ..." and an ideas park.
Give and receive feedback in both written and spoken form.
What you can do with the tool:
Test the first prototypes, MVP or MVE quickly and easily using four defined questions.
Record, collect and cluster test results in writing.
Sharpen theses on problems as well as solutions, personas and ideas and develop prototypes on the basis of the findings.
Write down feedback on ideas, presentations, etc. in a structured manner.
Discover More Templates
B1-50_Design Thinking Tools
50 additional templates for Design Lense Design Thinking are available in "The Design Thinking Toolbook".
A_strategy canvas
What you can do with the canvas:
Continuously document the results from the iterative process models in dynamic strategy development.
Answer strategic questions regarding "Where to Play" and "How to Win & Configure".
Make the vision of the business ecosystem transparent.
Communicate clear statements about value proposition, roles, skills and governance.
Find and implement a balance between "Explore" and "Exploit".
Plan for scaling and exponential growth.
B_Design Thinking Canvas
What you can do with the canvas:
Document the appropriate problem.
Describe the starting point and trends for a topic, need or problem at the start of the project.
Record important findings from the problem and solution area and share them with other teams.
Document critical items (function and experience) and findings from the exploration maps.
Document the results of the Design Thinking iterations, including recording defined vision prototypes.
Initialize requirements for an MVP and planning for the backlog.
C_Lean Start-up canvas
What you can do with the canvas:
Create a good understanding of the initial situation with regard to persona, top 3 challenges and use cases.
Record the vision and roadmap for the development.
Document results from the pivot.
Record the innovation accounting and schedule.
Prioritize top features.
Docuemnt findings from Build-Measure-Learn.
Develop one or more MVPs for a potential business ecosystem quickly and agile.